As parents, we only want what's best for our children – and we can't protect them from everything.
But when we send our children to school, in someone else's care, our expectation is that their life and health are being protected.
Parents should have a basic understanding of carbon monoxide, and how it can impact their child or loved one in a school. We recommend starting at the links below before downloading the guide.
1. Learning the five fast facts and why CO is so dangerous
2. Familiarizing yourself with the sources of CO in schools
3. Understanding the types of school campuses (and how CO can impact each)
4. Scrolling through an overview of school CO incidents and what's causing them
Do not assume your school space is protected to the fullest extent, or that those on staff are educated on carbon monoxide to the extent they should be.
CO Safe Schools has created a downloadable guide you can use to have transparent conversation with your childcare,
recreational or educational providers – and help keep everyone protected from carbon monoxide exposure and poisoning.
CO safety resources for parents