What are the sources of carbon monoxide in schools?

Number 1
Boilers, furnaces and 'leaking' HVAC units
Fuel-fired boilers and furnaces are the #1 cause of CO in schools. Aging buildings often mean aging equipment. Increase inspection frequencies and use a CO monitor in their presence.

Number 2
Propane- or Gas-Powered Cleaning Equipment
Floor-polishers, buffers, waxers – these are sneaky culprits that may be used during or after hours. Our recommendation: switch to electric cleaning equipment to minimize risk.

Number 3
Gas Burners, bunsen burners and kilns
Gas burners can be in your kitchen, as well as in your classrooms – and other burning equipment can also be on site. CO isn't the only issue when you have flame - fire is also a possibility.

Number 4
Disconnected, corroded or blocked ventilation
A pin-sized hole within ductwork, a nest in an exterior vent and eroded piping can cause serious CO exposure in unsuspecting classrooms and gathering areas without CO detection installed.

Number 5
Lawn + landscaping Equipment
Gas-powered mowers, weed eaters and other landscaping equipment emit CO when in use. Do not use close to school buildings, in particular while occupants are inside classrooms, gathering areas

Number 6
Fork lifts
Many school properties have gas-powered forklifts to assist with deliveries and storage. Forklifts emit CO when in use, so it's imperative they are not left running unattended or in close proximity to others.

Number 7
Kitchen Equipment
Gas ranges, ovens, steamers, dishwashers and even some refrigerator/freezer units can create CO when in use or when malfunctioning. A detection device should always be in the kitchen + cafeteria.

Number 8
Idling Vehicles in Dock, Pick-Up lines
Idling vehicles in school pickup lines, as well as within delivery areas, are creating massive amounts of CO. If your school pickup line is located close to the building, ask all vehicles to turn off engines.

Number 9
Diesel and Gas Generators
Many educational facilities have a backup generator in case of severe weather/power outages. And many are gas! When these run, please have in area where CO can't accumulate.